Dentist Munich, Dr. Kolling Dental Practice

Twilight sleep / General anaesthetic

A gentle, pain and anxiety-free treatment is very important to us. Our practice offers modern options for excluding pain. Many treatments can be carried out without pain under local anaesthetic. For longer and/or more extensive treatments or for phobic patients, there is the option of having the treatment in “twilight sleep” or under general anaesthetic (intubation anaesthesia, ITA).

Twilight sleep / General anaesthetic

Of course there will be a detailed consultation, where we will give you a comprehensive explanation and agree the right form of anaesthesia with you.

Twilight sleep / General anaesthetic

Dental treatment under general anaesthetic

For treatment under general anaesthetic, you will receive medication through a respiratory mask. This will ensure that you will lose any sensation of pain and also consciousness. The anaesthetic will be administered and supervised by an experienced and specialised anaesthetist.

Gentle analgosedation

With analgosedation, our experienced anaesthetist will give medication in a dosage that will allow you to continue to breathe independently and react if spoken to. As a rule, you will have no memory of the treatment. You will also receive a supplementary painkiller (analgesic) that will enable pain-free treatment.

Anaesthetic gel/spray

External local anaesthetics, sprayed or applied onto the mucous membrane, are also an option. However, these only apply to surface pain relief, such as anaesthetic gel for children or adults. This is used to prevent you feeling pain when the anaesthetic injection is used.

Do you have any further questions on sedation, general anaesthetic or external anaesthesia? Get in touch with us!